How much colloidal silver to use?
This guide shows you how to easily limit your intake of silver from silver supplements to 25% of the US EPA’s reference dose safety guideline for total daily oral intake of silver (thus leaving 75% of the reference dose available to allow for the silver in your daily drinking water and food intake).
Use the table A below to calculate the quantity of colloidal silver to use as a daily supplement for your whole life. Use the table B below to calculate the quantity of colloidal silver to use for a short-term period to threat an infection or other conditions. (approx 10 days/month).
Please read the text below the tables in order to understand how it is calculated.
Table A
Use Table A if you are using colloidal silver daily as part of your ongoing nutritional supplement regimen as a preventive measure to keep infections away.
Note that this is only 25% of the US EPA’s reference dose safety guideline for total daily oral intake of silver.
Table B
Use Table B if you are using colloidal silver for a short-term use to get rid of an infection or other conditions.
Usually 10 to 15 days in a month.
Understanding how it is calculated…
Using it daily your whole life
The maximum number of drops of a silver supplement to consume per day when using it on an ongoing daily basis every day of your whole life (up to 70 years or 25,567 days of ongoing daily use)
12 x lbs / ppm = # drops per day
Using it on a short-term basis
The maximum number of drops of a silver supplement to consume per day when using it on a short-term basis for short-term goals as desired
120 x lbs / ppm = # drops per day
Most people use silver supplements not on a daily basis but rather only when they feel the need.
As a general guideline, try to limit your usage at this “short-term use” level to about 10 days per month.
The combined total of your “daily use” amounts (#1) and your “short-term use” amounts (#2) should not exceed the total shown for your “entire lifetime” (#3).
Maximum total to use during your entire lifetime
The maximum total number of drops of a silver supplement to consume over your entire lifetime
306600 x lbs / ppm = # drops over your entire lifetime