Colloidal silver versus antibiotics
Silver colloids are extremely effective at destroying pathogenic bacteria; yet do not affect good bacteria in the intestine or mammal cells. Reports on the effectiveness of silver colloids, when compared with normal antibiotics, still seem to call into question why silver is so much more effective, often effecting a cure in hours, when powerful antibiotics may take days or weeks.
There are a number of reasons why silver seems to have much more effectiveness than normal antibiotics. Here are a number of them:
- Colloidal silver is positively charged; most antibiotics do not carry a strong positive charge. This causes silver to virtually seek out and destroy pathogens, instead of simply having to move around until they happen to bump into each other. This effect is quite appropriately referred to as the "Silver Bullet" effect by Dr. Beck.
- Silver kills immediately by oxidizing the pathogen. Antibiotics do not affect viruses at all, and for bacteria will only kill the bacteria when it tries to divide (penicillin type antibiotics) or will prevent the pathogen from dividing (tetracycline type antibiotics). In the first case, it may take the bacteria several days before it attempts to divide; and in the second case the bacteria is not killed at all, but just prevented from replicating. In both cases, the immune system must take care of most or all of the pathogens. With silver, they are killed outright immediately.
- Silver is a catalyst. Thus, as soon as a particle of silver has oxidized a pathogen, the pathogen loses its negative charge and floats away, and the silver is free to attack another pathogen. Antibiotics usually bind with the pathogen and for each pathogen destroyed; one particle or molecule of the antibiotic is used up.
The result is that silver will usually give a much faster kill than an antibiotic. The down side of this is that the high and rapid kill rate can result in Herxheimer's reaction or healing crisis. The body simply does not have time to eliminate the huge amount of toxins and dead pathogens that can result from silver water. Other therapies which work along similar lines such as ozonated water are reported to the same problem. It is highly recommended to never initially give therapeutic dosages of colloidal silver to a severely ill person, but to give small amounts initially and work up to therapeutic dosages in a couple of days. This allows the kill rate to be maintained where the body can eliminate the dead pathogens and toxins without undue stress. Of course, drinking large amounts of liquids can help flush the toxins and should be encouraged.