Frequently ask questions

1. When testing your colloidal silver for Tyndall Effect, there was very little effect, is this normal?

The Tyndall effect (scattering of light by particles in a colloid or in a very fine suspension) will be very minimal or almost non-existent on our colloidal silver, the reason for this is that our filtration system will filter out anything above 0.02 microns. Basically, the size of the silver particles in the solution will be between two silver atoms and 0.02 microns. It's very small and these nanoparticles will not be able to reflect light in any way.

To put that into perspective, an average bacterial cell is 3-5 microns and the average size of a virus is 0.02-0.3 microns.

Colloidal silver that produces a strong Tyndall effect is a sign of poor quality or a sign that no proper filtration was used to filter out large particles.

Colors like gold, amber, brown, yellow, or cloudy indicate either of the following: Refraction of light on large particles. Oxidation at time of manufacture. Chemical reagents or stabilizing additives. Colloidal silver that is not clear in color is an indication of poor quality, and if the manufacturer tries to tell you otherwise, you are being misled. The color of good quality colloidal silver should only be clear.

2. What is ppm?
The term "parts per million" (or PPM) is a way of expressing very dilute concentrations of substances. Usually describes the concentration of something in water. One ppm is equivalent to 1 milligram of something per liter of water (mg/l). Keep in mind that PPM (in reference to silver) refers to a quantity and not a type of silver. Many for example will confuse 10 PPM and 20 PPM by thinking that the silver (content) is different in some way - when rather this is only a difference in the amount or quantity of silver within a solution.
3. What is colloidal silver?

Please read our dedicated section HERE for all you need to know about colloidal silver.

4. Why do colloidal silver need to be stored in amber or blue bottles?
It is important that colloidal silver be shielded from sunlight exposure as the silver nanoparticles get oxidized from light exposure. When this occurs, the nanoparticles settle out of solution and coloration occurs.
5. Why is your colloidal silver clear in color while many other silver products are not?

Colors like gold, amber, brown, yellow or cloudy is an indication of one or any combination of the following:

Refraction of light off large particles.
Oxidation during the time of manufacture.
Chemical reagents or stabilizing additives.

Colloidal silver that is not clear in color is an indication of poor quality, and if the manufacturer tries to tell you differently, you are being misled. The color of good quality colloidal silver should only be clear in color.

6. Can I refrigerate my colloidal silver?
You should never refrigerate colloidal silver in liquid form. That’s because in every colloidal silver solution, the tiny submicroscopic silver particles are suspended in the water by an electrical charge. What’s more, they’re in a constant state of motion called Brownian Motion. Unfortunately, refrigeration dramatically slows down the Brownian Motion, and can cause the silver particles to lose their suspension in the water, falling to the bottom of the storage container. This is called “plating out of suspension”. Storing your colloidal silver at room temperature is always best. Avoid excessive heat and excessive cold whenever possible.
7. Can I accurately measure your silver content with a TDS meter?
No, accurate measurement of silver concentration requires the use of either an atomic absorption/emission spectrometer, or a mass spectrometer, which are specifically designed to measure metal content in solutions. A Total Dissolved Solids Meter (TDS meter) is used to indicate the concentration of dissolved solids in solution. Solids generally exist as ionic and non‐ionic solids. A TDS meter measures the electrical conductivity of the sample solution and estimates the dissolved solids. Microscopic solid particles, such as colloids, do not affect the conductivity, so a TDS meter does not include them in its reading, thereby giving inaccurate results when used to measure concentration of colloidal silver.
8. I would like to know what size are your silver particles?

Our filtration system will filter out anything that is bigger than 0.02 micron.
So, to answer your question, the particles sizes range from between two atoms of silver and 0.02 micron.

This is very small, to put this in perspective, an average bacterial cell is 3-5 microns and an average virus size is 0.02-0.3 microns.

9. Why is your colloidal silver clear and not yellow?

When making colloidal silver using electrolysis, portion on the silver content in the water will be in colloidal form and portion will be in ionic form. Study as shown that when producing colloidal silver at room temperature via electrolysis, the silver content ratio is 10 to 20% colloidal and 80 - 90% ionic. When heating the water, this ratio is changed considerably. The hotter the water, the more the silver in colloidal form will be produced. The reason for this is that distilled water is a very poor conductor of electricity, but when you heat the water, it becomes more conductive. By increasing the conductivity of water using heat, we are able to diminish the current going to the silver electrodes to a minimum. This fact will produce the smallest particles possible explaining why our colloidal silver is as clear as water.

In other easier to understand words, when producing colloidal silver at room temperature, you have to push more current between the silver electrodes because of the water poor conductivity, therefore removing larger chunks of silver in the process. The larger silver particles are visible in the yellow spectrum of light, explaining the yellow color of some of the colloidal silver available on the market.

10. I would like to know what percentage of your product is colloidal and ionic.
The percentage is about 85% colloidal and 15% ionic.
11. How do you properly store colloidal silver?

Because silver is very sensitive to light, you must keep it out of the light as much as possible. It is best to store colloidal silver at room temperature in a kitchen or medicine cabinet. It is also recommended to store it away from large electric appliance like microware or oven because the nano-size silver particles are electrically charged. 

12. How should one use colloidal silver?
Colloidal Silver may be taken orally or topically; applied directly to the skin. It can be used vaginally, anally, atomized or inhaled into the nose or lungs, and dropped into eyes. Liquid silver as well as new gel formulations, may be applied directly to the skin. A few drops on a Q-Tip or Band-Aid may be used to disinfect any wound or sore. Properly prepared, colloidal silver can also be injected into a muscle, a cancerous tumor, or into the bloodstream.
13. Why are smaller particles of colloidal silver better?

The silver particles size is very important in colloidal silver. The smaller the particles, the more surface area it will cover. To put this in perspective, One ppm is equivalent to 1 milligram of something per liter of liquid (mg/l). So, if you have a 1 milligram (mg) particle or 1 thousand particles at 1 microgram (µg) (or 1/1000mg) each, in one liter of water, the silver content would be 1ppm in both solutions. The second colloidal silver solution will be more effective because it will be able to attack one thousand pathogens compare to just one

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